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Kids on Mission

神正在培養一代兒童、青少年和成人去履行使命! 沒有人因為年紀小而無法體會神對世界的心意。 這是一個很好的機會,讓孩子了解生活在極端貧困和沒有福音盼望的人,一群身體和心靈都有很大需求的人。 現在是我們的孩子、青少年和家庭站起來參與神的大使命了。


Mission Date —

July 17—19, 2024

@ City Impact San Francisco

Information Meeting —
Feb 4, 2024
SJCAC@ C103/104


  • 1st – 5th grade
    (At least one parent to participate)

  • 6th – 12th grade
    (can participate without parents)


Application Forms

Application due date: 
2/25/2024 (Sunday) +

Total Cost: $350 per participant ($50 nonrefundable deposit check)

Application & Cost



  • We are opening this trip to Elementary Grades 1st-5th. The child(ren) must be accompanied by at least one parent for the entire duration of the trip. The parent can discern if the child can keep up with the demands of the ministry schedule as well as the child’s readiness to engage with homeless and prayer ministries. This may be the first step for families to engage outside of our comfort zones and allow children to see first hand the real needs of the poor and hopeless right in our backyard.

    Youth from grades 6th-12th can participate in this trip without parents.

  • City Impact is located at the heart of the Tenderloin District of San Francisco. It is a spiritually dark place, marked with a heavy homeless population. We will engage in three intensive days of hands-on ministry. The first and last evenings of the trip will be focused on preparation and debrief team time.​

  • We do not see this trip as an isolated trip that we plan for just a few weeks beforehand. We want to use the entire 5 months (March – July) prior to the trip for intentional discipleship, understanding of God’s heart for the lost and spiritual training in intercession. The trip will only be the culmination of all participants have engaged with months leading up to the trip.

    • Training dates have been set in preparation for the Mission Trip on Sunday’s,
      1:15-3:00 pm:
      March 17, April 28, May 19, June 9, July 14
      Only 1 excused absence is accepted. You are required to contact Grace Chen 72 hours prior to the scheduled training date to receive an excused absence.

    • 6/24-28, 2024 Kids Adventure Camp

      • Children: attend

      • Youth: serve

  • Once you miss more than 1 training or do not participate in the full duration of the training, you will be dismissed from the trip. No exceptions will be made. This is the reason we are giving you the dates in advance so your family can plan around these set dates. Deposits and raised funds will not be returned.

  • We will learn about spiritual warfare and our divine gift of intercession as children of God. 

    Required reading will be given and expected to be completed.

  • Application and deposit are due by Feb 25, 2024.

    Participant applications must be filled out and submitted.

    (Deposit Check only should be payable to “SJCAC”, Memo ”KOM Deposit+name”)

  • There are 28 spots available for children, youth and adults.


Year 2024

Sunday’s 1:15 pm - 3:00 pm

March 17, April 28, May 19, June 9, July 14

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