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暑期學生實習 Summer Internship


  • 暑期學生實習讓應屆高中畢業生或大學生利用暑假在教會獲得事工經驗。我們將根據學生想要學習和成長的領域,為實習生創造有意義的機會。學生將獲得暑期津貼。

  • 如果您有興趣,請與我們聯絡。我們將要求以下文件作為申請的一部分:

     1) 一份履歷

    2) 一封求職信,以及 

    3) 一份簡短的自我介紹


  • 暑期實習的最大好處是我們教會領袖的特意和個人化的門徒訓練、指導和投資。只要您付出時間就獲得專業和事工經驗,您會得到發展並經常有飯吃!

學術實習 Academic Internship

為學生提供 2-6 個月的實習機會,以完成大學或神學院的實習工作經驗

  • 學術實習是為需要完成短期工場/事工經驗的大學或神學院學生提供的實習機會。實習時間可以為2-6個月。

  • Please contact us at if you are interested. We will request 1) a resume, 2) a cover letter, and 3) a brief description of yourself. You will go through an interview process as part of your onboarding pathway.

研究生教會工作 Graduate Church Residency

A 2-year program to obtain a fully funded master's degree at Crown College while getting 25 ministry hours/week. 

  • 是一個為期 2 年的項目,可在Crown college 獲得全額資助的碩士學位,同時每週獲得 25 小時的事工時間。這是我們教會投資未來教會領袖的機會。

  • 提供以下學位:

    • Ministry Leadership

    • Christian Studies

    • Global Leadership

    • Organizational Leadership


    These 36-credit degree programs include a major core of 24 credits. The residency will fulfill six of the 12 elective credits. Students can select two additional elective courses based on individual interests or specific ministry contexts.

    Crown College will collaborate with the church to establish ministry competencies for residents to demonstrate during their residency experience.

    這些 36 個學分的學位課程包括 24 個主要核心學分。研究生實習將完成 12 個選修學分中的 6 個學分。學生可以根據個人興趣或特定事工背景選擇兩門額外的選修課程。

    Crowm College 將與教會合作,為研究生建立事工能力,以在他們的實習經驗中展示。

  • The Graduate School of Ministry’s mission is to prepare Christian ministry leaders who think biblically, live authentically, and serve skillfully in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, the church-at-large, and the world. 

    Provides students with a practical, theoretical, and spiritual perspective in a local church context.

    The church will provide financial support.

  • Please contact us at to explore Masters in Residence. We have limited spots for this residency program.

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